The Power of The Subconscious Mind

Almost every self improvement Guru, from Napoleon Hill to T. Harv Eckert tech the same thing…this one thing…”Use your subconscious mind to work for you!”
Hello, this is Vince Schembri, president of WOWzer Technologies. Today I want to continue on “Show Me the Money “and the part I really want to share with you is about the subconscious mind. We as humans really don’t know the intricacies of it. We don’t really understand it, but what I do understand is that it actually does work. And is it an integral part of anyone who wants to succeed in anything.
What do I mean by that? If we take the sports arena and you just examine it, that is the one area where you could see it in a very short period of time, because if teams aren’t winning, change is necessary.
Let’s say you’re in a football sport, whether it’s the NFL, the English premier league, rugby, or any of those types of sports. How many teams do you know that go into a game without being prepared and don’t know their plays? Well, obviously they do. Why do they do that? Because repetition is what causes them to use their best play, especially when they’re in a difficult situation.
As an example, let’s say you are in an NFL team and you’re leading the offense. Well, I can tell you one thing, not only does the offense have a game plan, but so does the defense. The defense has a plan to do what? To stuff the plays of the offense. What’s the plan of the offense? To make the plays by moving the ball forward. Pretty simple right? And they have plays that they call as they look at the formations of the opposing teams and the coaches call the plays out or the captains of the teams call them. They can be modified or changed where they can call an audible.

Same as in soccer as they too have offensive structures. When the ball goes to the goalkeeper, he can be an offensive minded player. In other words, he leads the charge or he becomes defensive. If you take the NFL where it’s first and 10, that means, first down and 10 yards to go, the quarterback calls the play and the defense sacks him where they lose 10 yards on that play. That means on the second down, now they have to make 20 yards in order to continue keeping the ball and eventually score. So what does the offensive team do?
Do they just give up? No, they have set plays and based on their field position and the structure that the defensive team shows them, they call plays and they may make an audible. In other words, they change the play because they see something in the defense that they need to alter in order for them to achieve their goal.
We all want to achieve our goals. Don’t we? Where do sports teams start? They prepare themselves. They spend hours making sure they understand not only their plays, but they also understand the plays of the opposition. They take the time to study the opposition. Here’s the key word – Study! How many of us actually study and what should we be studying? If the goal in a team is to win a game, should we also have a game plan to win in our lives right now?

There’s so many things happening in our world and I could just list them. I’m not going to as I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. You could turn on the news right now and you could follow that game or you could design your own game, call your own plays, know your competition and devise a plan that achieves your goal. How do we do that? Through the subconscious mind.
The first area that we need to get a better grasp of is one of the four seeds. I shared the four seeds in the past and they are: thoughts, words, deeds, and dollars. The last three follow the first one, which is thoughts, and that one is the one that comes from our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind never stops. It is always, always thinking of something.
Sometimes you ask yourself, why am I having this thought? Because the subconscious mind is constantly bringing up thoughts from your memories, whether you like them or not. A lot of us, me included, think that some of them are negative or they could cause all kinds of bad things. Why? Because those thoughts are attached to emotions, and those emotions make us feel as if they’re happening right now. But really they’re happening inside of us.
How do we have any desire or how do we have any control over those thoughts? It starts with the word desire. What do you desire to see in your life? Because if where you are right now is not where you want to be, then the question becomes, “How do I change it?” It starts with you now.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard many times that in order to be successful, you need to read books, study tapes, and go to events. For the longest time, I was like, “Yeah right”. But then I started asking myself, “Why do I hear that on a continual basis? Why do successful people say that?” Then I also checked the stats and I found out that 95% of people don’t achieve what they want achieve and only 5% do.
The reason for the 5% that actually do is that they physically write down the goal that they want to achieve to the point where they specify it, they have it in front of them, they focus on it and they do it on a continual basis. From what I’ve read, if we did that for 30 days and we did it on a regular basis, our lives will change dramatically.
To give you an example, I’ve been doing this now for about 8 days. I have an actual card because it was one of the suggestions. On this card I wrote down what my goal is for the next 30 days. The minute you write it down, you’re in a different class as you’re in the 5% right off the bat. But you say, “It can’t be that simple”.

Well, it is because if we go back to the beginning where we can read God’s word, it says in the very first line, in the book of Genesis, that God created the world. This tells us who he is and what’s the first thing he says about himself? It says that he created, which means he’s creative. Now, why is that important? Because 25, 26 verses later, it says that God created man or mankind in his image, in the image of God. Now, everything prior to that he created on the earth, nowhere else does it say that he created his image. When he created us in his image, God used his imagination. He thought about us. That’s why the first seed is very important as it is tied into our imagination and it allows us to be creative so that we too can create anything that we can imagine through our thoughts.
The imagination is our gateway to connect to our infinite intelligence and it starts internally. And the minute you write it down, you’ve created an energy force that manifests it into this world. That’s the first step. Now whether you want to make more money, have a house, want to go on a trip, want to be with a person. It doesn’t matter what it is. The imagination is the gateway.
The first step is to envision what it is that you want so that your emotions can sense it. That’s why you have the thoughts that you currently have. You can feel them because you actually experienced them. You can have your subconscious mind get you into a situation where you can have these thoughts, by writing them down first and feeling them next so that they’ll become a reality.

If you focus on past thoughts, you get more of where you are right now. In order to have a different result, you must have different thoughts as you become what you think. If we go back to the NFL team that’s on the field, they already know they have many plays to call because they studied them. They put thought into it and they will call the plays based on where they are on the field. In our case, where we are we in our field of life? What have we purposely designed to change our field position in our lives?
Now, I’m not saying that you should or shouldn’t turn off all media. But what I can tell you, for example, is that last night I had my little card and I went to my side table where I placed it. I then turned off the lights, I took off my watch and my reading glasses. While I put my glasses down, I happened to touch the card. And because I’ve been reading my goal card for the past 7 days, even though I couldn’t physically see it, in my subconscious mind, my mind’s eye, I knew what was on the card. Guess what thought I had? I had the thought of what I wrote down on my card and that’s what I went to sleep with while also I woke up to the same thought.

How many of us go to sleep with thoughts that we don’t want to have and wake up with them? How do we change them? We have to a plan for it just like a sports team does. That is how they overcome as I’m sure many of you have sat there who watch sports and go, “WOW, how did they engineer that comeback?” They did because it was planned.
They had a plan and they used their subconscious mind as they repeated it over and over and over and over again. When they train, they call the plays and therefore it becomes part of the repetition, their subconscious. When they’re in a field situation that is similar to what they have already studied, the subconscious mind goes into overdrive and creates things for them. That’s where the creation point is really important.
What things do you want to see in your life? I would highly recommend that you take some time and think about what it is that you want. Start with just one thing. Don’t have thousands of them, just one. It can be anything you want it to be, whatever it is for you.
The next step is to bring it into this world and how you do that is you speak it while also writing it down. Those are the ways that you can manifest what you want in this world. You may think, “Well, geez, it seems ludicrous, it can’t be that simple.” From what I’ve read, seen, and studied, that is the missing link. It is our ability to imagine our future. If you think about anything else that is existing in this world right now, you trace it back as it doesn’t matter what it is.

As an example, let’s pick the iPad. Who came up with it? Steve jobs. How did he come up with it? He imagined it through his thoughts. What did he do next? He designed it. In other words, he wrote it down and then he passed it on to someone else. Then they got their creative minds going and so on and now we have an iPad. You think well, that’s a great invention. Had Steve Jobs not written it down and got his team working on it, we wouldn’t have it.
That’s just one example. How about a mouse on a computer? Somebody had to come up with it because the way that they were moving around on the screen, it was not ideal. But someone thought, “What if there’s a way with some kind of gadget, we can move the icon around so we can click and there you go”. Someone else’s thought manifested in this world and now we have a mouse on a computer.
How about glasses? Why are glasses important? Because there are people who do not have the kind of sight that they want. They cannot see, like they could before. Then someone else thinks, “Oh, a magnifying glass. Well, what if we put these on our eyes?” Another beginning with another thought. I can just keep going.

Think about what it is that you want in your life and then the next step is to write it down. Once written, believe that you have it, feel that you do and keep doing it every single day. Can you do that for 30 days? Where did I get these four steps? I read a book by James B Jones and I talked about it in a previous video. The book is, “Can you count the four”. The four steps are visualize/imagine it, write it down, believe that you have it and do it every day. It costs nothing to do these four steps.
Sometimes I really believe that the real secret is not a secret. It is so simple that we actually tell ourselves it can’t be as simple as that. The truth is that it is. Read about anyone that has done anything. It does not matter who it is, whether they’ve written a book or there’s a story on someone on a website or someone you know locally. Go and find out about them. You will find out that person after person who’s done something, whatever it is in their lives, whether it’s big or small, they too use the same four steps, whether they know it or not. They use their imagination. In other words, they program their subconscious mind.
Many other successful people have used the same approach regarding the programming of the subconscious mind such as Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich”. If you read his book, especially the part about the subconscious mind, that is exactly what he’s saying. If we go back and read JB Jones, it’s same thing. Wallace D. Wattles, the man who inspired the book & movie “The Secret”, he too says the same thing. Tony Robbins, the same thing. Jim Rohn, Tony’s mentor, the same thing.

I’d like to give you a free copy of the chapter on the subconscious mind from “Think and Grow Rich” where Napoleon Hill talks about it. To receive your free copy of this chapter, please click on the link below. We’d be happy to send it to you so you too can be mesmerized, just as I was. Remember that it doesn’t matter what you plant.
Please understand that the subconscious mind is fertile ground, just like the ground that the farmer has. When the farmer plants a seed, it does not matter what he plant in the ground as it will grow exponentially. If you plant thoughts in your fertile mind that you don’t like, it will produce them exponentially. As such, maybe we should put thoughts in our subconscious that we do want, that we do like, that we aspire to. Can we do that for just 30 days? Please do so and I would love to hear what happens to you in your 30 days time. I can’t wait to hear your story and I’m happy to share mine as well. I have already seen an incredible change in my world and you will too by following what I have shared.
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