Success With Money
Is success with money the metric that you should assess your life by? What if there are other things you can be successful with. Want to know how…
Hello, and this is Vince Schembri the president of WOWzer Technologies. Today, I’m going to talk to you more about “Show Me The Money” and what success has to do with it. Success can be defined in a lot of different ways. The most common one is financial success, but the reality is it takes more than just finances to be successful in life. If you are a financial success and don’t have a family, are you really a success? We should strive to be well balanced in all areas, such as family, finances, relationships, our career or business.

The best expression of success that I have read came Glenn Bland. In his book called “Success, The Glen Bland Method”, he describes it as “Success is the progressive realization of predetermined worthwhile goals, stabilized with balance and purified by belief.” That might sound like a mouthful, but if you really think about it, “Success” is a progressive realization. In other words, you are succeeding and you’re hitting the small goals first, while you have a major or bigger goal. I find that very fascinating.
I’m also taking the time to study success further back. I think to myself that we have many examples of success right now, but where did it all come from? You know, who pioneered it? Now, we can go all the way back to the Bible and ancient times, but I’m just going to take you back to the 1950’s. I’m not going to go any further back.

When we think of success, or we think of someone that has made a major impact, we think of Tony Robbins. Perhaps maybe not all of us think of him, but, if you hear the name Tony Robbins, we could relate to who he is. Who was he mentored by? Who was he taught by?
Tony Robbins mentor was a man named Jim Rohn. There are quite a few people who know about Jim Rohn, but do we know who mentored him? Jim was mentored by Earl Shoaff and he isn’t very well known as he was around in the early fifties. Earl Shoaff passed away in the sixties, but he was known as the “Millionaire Maker.” He mentored not only Jim Rohn, but he also mentored Mary Kay Ash known for Mary Kay Cosmetics and Zig Ziglar.
Who was Earl Shoaff’s mentor? His name was, James Breckenridge Jones, also known as JB Jones. JB Jones got his ideas from none other than Napoleon Hill. I’ll just stop right there and Hill’s very well known for his book called “Think and Grow Rich.”
So if you think about it, it’s all about what I discussed last week on the video. I talked about how the thought process is the key to our results. If you recall, I said that thoughts cause emotions, which create actions, which in turn creates results. So thinking is a big part of it.
Napoleon’s Hill’s book is called “Think and Grow Rich” but he doesn’t say what to grow rich. Because he’s talking about all the spheres of life, just like I expressed earlier about what does success mean. Well, JB Jones decided to look at the 17 laws that Napoleon Hill had and he created a potent formula. He created a book and at the time, it was called, “If You Can count To Four”. It is now it’s called “The Success Quadrant”, which is still in circulation today.
JB Jones passed that potent formula on to Earl Shoaff and there was also another individual in that sphere, who was Shoaff’s business partner and best friend. His name was Richard Schnackenberg, who took “The Success quadrant” and wrote a book called, “The BE Book” and he actually created an even more potent formula. His book is only 36 pages, whereas JB Jones book is about 110 pages.
I want you to understand what JB Jones actually was speaking about because it has had a profound impact on my life. When I think back to the successes I’ve had, it actually follows this formula. What JB Jones said was that all of us have a special gift or talent and we need to use that “channel”, what he calls the gift or talent. The channel was specifically designed for us, meaning every person has one and no two people have the exact same one.

There could be similarities, but we should focus on our channel, which was designed specifically for us. I have mine, it’s numbers, and I relate really well with bookkeeping. So my channel is actually bookkeeping. Mine is not yours. And yours is not mine. JB Jones is not Earl Shoaff’s, which is not Jim Rohn’s, which is not Tony Robbins or anybody else for that matter. Even that thought is liberating because all of a sudden I realized it’s what I was blessed with, that I can utilize to serve humanity. That’s the next part that JB Jones talks about. What does he mean, serve humanity? There is a need out there in our world for the gift that you’ve been given. If you don’t think so, you have one, as we all do. If you are not sure about what yours is, I would ask you to think about what comes naturally to you.
For me, it’s numbers. I love numbers and I have a love affair with numbers. Can you say that about something? And if not, I would ask you to search out what that is. Then when you know, what do you do with this channel? You serve humanity. How do one serve humanity?
The next part of JB Jones’ formula is quality of service. To achieve this next part, you will become a master in your channel in the environment that becomes available to you, such as numbers and bookkeeping for me. You must do this first because the next part is in quantity of service.

So, before you decide to do this multiple times, as that’s what quantity refers to, make sure to master it for one product, service, process, etc. Take your time to master it as that’s another one of those keys, to take the necessary time to slow it down to get to know it really well.
JB Jones slowed down his process as well. He realized, when he was in the financial world, he was doing well but it wasn’t something that he desired. He also was a handball player and realized that handball took a lot of energy. He became ill and back in the fifties, he couldn’t figure out what the issue was. He tried a food supplement and the supplement actually healed him. Within 30 days, JB Jones was able to go back and play handball. Through that experience, he realized the one thing that he wanted to do. It became this purpose, his passion, and that’s why he went into the food supplements business.
JB Jones got out of the financial business and went into the food supplements business. He devoted his time to understand it better by studying and doing a lot of research. That’s what became his quality of service. Jones developed something that was different and he taught this approach to his students, Earl Shoaff and Richard Schnackenberg. These men became the mentors of Jim Rohn, who became the mentor of none other than Tony Robbins.
Jim Rohn, also mentored Mark Hughes, who was the founder of Herbalife and he also inspired many others as all of them have come from humble beginnings. What JB Jones did is that he created a formula that allows these people to go forward and succeed at incredible levels.

So let’s go back to that formula that JB Jones was talking about; to find your channel, whatever that channel is for you and then to offer that as a service to humanity in both quality and quantity, so that therefore it produces a result that serves a need for people.
Earl Shoaff, Richard Schnackenberg and another partner all left the JB Jones’s business they all worked in to start their own. They also took Jim Rohn with them as they started their new business in July of 1957. Within four years by 1961, the new business was generating $6 million of revenue sales per month. We’re talking in the sixties! This is how well the JB Jones formula worked.

Jim Rohn is known as a legendary individual and he mentored none other than Tony Robbins. Go look up his net worth. He mentored Mark Hughes and he inspired others such as Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy, Harv Eker, to name a few. What does that mean for us? That means that if we applied this formula, we could succeed in any endeavor in our lives. So what is the formula that JB Jones shares? It is to “Find a channel to serve humanity in quality and quantity of service.”
Now, how does that apply to you? What is it that you’re doing in your business right now? How can you become a master of your environment to serve others? And how do you expand that? You might think, well, I don’t even know how to do that. Another one of the keys is that JB Jones’s students studied and looked at ways to make it happen. If in 1961, they can take a food supplement…that’s what their business was in, was food supplements and within four years, Earl Shoaff, Richard Schnackenberg and Jim Rohn could generate $6 million of sales per month, what can we do in today’s time, especially with technology at our fingertips? This is where I’m going with my business and I encourage you to do exactly the same.

I hope this has helped you and that it has inspired you like it has inspired me. Just think that we could have incredible success because we were designed for that in our unique channel. Just know that there’s voices in our minds that say, look here, look there, look here, look there as you too will have similar voices saying similar things to you. To get past these voices, here is another one of those keys; make sure that you stay in your channel that was designed specifically for you. As an example, in my situation, I can use technology to help serve more people as opposed to leaving my bookkeeping channel and starting in the technology channel.
King Solomon wrote Proverbs, which are wisdom principles. One of those principles talks about these four small things are small in stature but exceedingly wise. I want to draw your attention to the fourth one where he talks about the spider.
You can grasp the spider in your hand, but it can be found in palaces. So think about it. You can grab a spider or even a lizard in your hand and you can also find it in a King’s palace. Now did the spider or the lizard build the King’s palace? No, but it capitalizes on it. So it capitalizes on something that it did not build.

What can we capitalize on? How can we use that principle that King Solomon shared in order to expand our ability to serve mankind? The biggest way that I know right now is technology. So once you’ve identified your channel of service and you’ve mastered it in quality, I would encourage you to study how you could expand that with the use of technology. Then you can be like the spider or the lizard, which can be grasped in the palm of a hand, but it can capitalize on something it didn’t build. You too can capitalize on something that you didn’t build, such as the internet.
I’m wishing you a wonderful day and I hope that this has helped you. I hope that you have also been inspired you and ciao for now.