Show Me The Money or At Least Tell Me How To Get It.
Do you ever say; “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” What comes up when you say that? Discover the steps to ensure it arrives so you will see the money.
Hello, I’m Vince Schembri, president of WOWzer Technologies. Today I want to talk to you about one of my favorite movies as there’s an important message within it. “Show me the money” from the movie, Jerry Maguire, with Tom Cruise.
Cuba Gooding Jr., character Rod, has an incredible scene where Tom Cruises’s character Jerry, is trying to recruit him so he can be his agent. Rod says to Jerry, “Show me the money.” That’s what a lot of us want in this world. The question becomes “What’s causing it or what’s causing it not to come?” How do we make this a reality in our lives? It’s all related to what we call “The Secret”.
You also heard of the book and I believe there’s a show called “The Secret”. In the book, they say that everything comes to us from our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do because it’s number one function is to do what? It’s to protect us. So therefore, our subconscious is like an eight-year-old child and this child is doing everything it can to protect us from any harm, which is good. But it doesn’t advance us because it’s programmed a certain way.
I realized that my subconscious mind has the directives that it has from my past. They could have come from my parents, my teachers, the other people around me or things that I’ve watched. There are many things that those directives could have come from as the subconscious mind works like this – it says, “This is what I know, and I’m going to protect you.”

So then, how do you program or reprogram the subconscious mind? This is important because what happens is that your thoughts create your feelings, which create your actions, which produce your result. If you want to go all the way back, you start with your thoughts and your thoughts need to be reprogrammed. That’s what the secret is really all about. You use your conscious state to give directions to your subconscious mind so that it performs a new set of directives. In other words, it takes a different action only once you have given it a new set of directives, which you have visualized. This is one of the keys to get what you want. Right now, you’re visualizing whatever’s going on in your mind. Your visualization creates your thoughts, which create your feelings, which allow you to have those actions that produce your results.

Go back to your programming and really visualize what it is that you want. Most of us, including me, don’t spend much time visualizing because we get tired from it and everything else that’s around us, which that drains us of our energy. We are “energy matter” and it’s important for us to be wired the right way. In other words, what does your mind see right now? Instead of focusing on what you don’t want, how about you focus on what it is you do want? If you do that, then you have a chance to change your thoughts, which create your feelings, which will have you take a different action, which produces a different result. It’s how to actually reprogram your mind so that it produces the kind of results that you want.

If you sit there and you think, “I always seem to be producing this result.” What have you just done? Your subconscious mind, If I close my eyes right now, is seeing what I don’t want. In order for it to change, in your conscious state, you need to reprogram it and it will produce a different result. This is how you create change within you.
I don’t know about you, but I get excited when I think about it. Maybe for you, it could be that you want to take an annual vacation and whatever is going on in your subconscious, you’re limiting your beliefs. Have you ever seen a child and how they do the visualization process? For example, you have a child in the backyard and let’s call him Johnny. He’s got a stick between his legs and he is running around with it. You say, “Johnny, what you’re doing?” Johnny says, “Well, I’m riding a tricycle.” Well, is he riding a tricycle? No, what he’s riding is a stick because he’s imagining in his mind he’s riding a tricycle. If he does it long enough, what happens? He actually ends up with a tricycle.

Have you ever seen that? Johnny is so focused on that tricycle that it doesn’t matter that it’s not existing in the real world yet. It exists in his imagination and imagination is one of the keys to programming our subconscious mind. Our subconscious is what produces the result that we want or don’t want. So, no matter what is in our subconscious, we actually produce it. Why does it happen like that? I’ve been doing some thinking about this and the reality is that like produces like.
If you think about our physical body and its DNA, when we die, the body decays, it turns into dust and it goes back to the soil. As such, our DNA is made from the earth’s soil and therefore, we produce like because like produces like.

If you’re a farmer and you want tomatoes, what do you plant? You plant a tomato seeds. Even though you cannot see the actual tomato, you know that the seed that you plant will produce the harvest that you want. Because if you plant tomatoes, you don’t get potatoes. If you plant potatoes, you don’t get tomatoes. What you plant is what you get. Therefore, in order to get what you want, it starts with the seed planted in the fertile mind.
What are our seeds? There are four seeds that we have and they are:
- Your thoughts
- Your words
- Your deed, or your actions
- Your dollars
How you sow the above four seeds, they will produce a result. A farmer, when he plants a tomato seed, he knows he’s going to get tomatoes. He doesn’t think he’s going to get anything else because he planted a tomato seed, just like Johnny. What did he do? He had a stick visualizing that he wanted a tricycle, knowing he was going to get a tricycle.
There also is a duality that exists in this world. There is positive and negative, life and death, black and white and so on. They both exist at the same time and that’s how life is made up. So, let’s go back to the example about Johnny. What’s he doing? He’s focusing on what it is that he wants, whether he realizes it or not, and he doesn’t let go of that focus.
Have you ever had a child that wants something? They constantly remind you. Why? Because they are focused on that item. Whatever that item is, focus is really important as it determines what shows up.
The first step is visualization, and this is done by writing down what we want. This is where we need to be and we have to have a clear picture in our mind. Be very very specific and detailed about what it is that you want as then, we can actually get excited about it. As you visualize, you activate “The Law of Visualization” so that whatever you see in your mind becomes reality.
The second step is to pretend you actually have it, just like Johnny does. He is actually riding around on a stick because that’s what he imagines when he rides a tricycle. He is not waiting for it to come to him and he is saying by his actions “I have it right now, at this very moment.”

The third step is to remove the weeds by protecting our vision. As things happen in our lives, we can get distracted. We told Johnny, no or maybe regarding him having his tricycle, but Johnny thinks “No, no, I have it”. The same thing happens to us as you start getting these “weed” to stop us. You have a vacation that you want and you start thinking about all the reasons why you won’t have it or all the things that get in the way. For example, the costs become prohibitive. When the negative thought comes, replace it with another thought. You can say to yourself “Thank you for sharing” and then replace it with what you do want. This is how you take the weeds out. You visualize the actual item that you want, which in this case is a vacation. Also, please don’t place a price tag on goal because you’re limiting yourself. Whatever it is that you want, write it down. Write down exactly what it is that you want and visualize it and get into the feeling.

To create the feeling of having it right now, what would you have to have for a vacation? How about plane tickets? Create them including boarding passes as that’s what you would need. Have your passport ready as well. Take those steps, just like Johnny did as he put a little stick between his legs because, as far as he’s concerned, it’s a tricycle. What else is Johnny doing? He’s protecting what he sees in his imagination. Even though dad comes along and gives him a million reasons as to why not, he doesn’t hear nor accept that. He’s still visualizing what he’s got. In your case, when that thought comes, say “Thank you for sharing” and go look at your actual tickets, the ones you made.
The fourth step is for you to do is what Johnny does, and that is, he goes on about pretending to ride his tricycle on a day-by-day basis. He does not sway from it at all. He is now playing it out on a continual basis. Right?
These are the steps for you to use to have what you want: visualize, believe that you have it right now, protect it and live it every day. In time it will come just like the farmer. Remember what our four seeds are? They are thoughts, words, deeds and dollars. And how you plant them, they will produce like kind. If you plant tomato seeds, you’re going to have tomatoes, even though you can’t see them. Then the farmer protects them by taking out the weeds and he gives the seeds time to grow. In other words, keep imagining it in your mind as it’s all happening in your mind.
If you can have visual representations, like the tickets or having pictures of the destination and you see it on a continual basis, this too strengthens your desires.
That actually happened to me, back in the early 2000’s as I had a client who had a very serious tax situation. This was at the time when I didn’t know the steps I’ve outlined , but when I think about it, I actually did those same things and it proved true.
My clients came to me and they had a serious situation with federal tax authorities, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). At that time, I was still new and I had just been hired as an accountant. I knew my basic accounting, but I knew nothing about taxation.

So what happened? The opportunity came along and I just offered to go have a look. I didn’t realize what I was walking into as I had no idea it was a mess. I sat there and I thought; I have two choices, I can just let it go by or I could try to solve this. I responded as such, “Tina, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to look at this and see what I can do. I don’t promise you anything, but I’ll look at it.” I took it on and over time, I started envisioning in my mind how would I solve this issue.
Notice, I didn’t say, “There’s a problem” or question if I could solve it. I said, “How I would solve this issue”. In other words, now I’m focused on what? I’m thinking on the solution. I’m not just thinking positive as I’m acknowledging there are issues, but I’m thinking focused by saying to myself, “How do I solve this issue?” Do I recognize there’s an issue? Of course I do.
That’s the seed I planted right off the bat. The next thing that I did is I started working on it. I didn’t know what to do but remember, one of the keys is to never stop. I started learning and learning and learning. I started calling the different people in our tax department (CRA).

I worked at it and I started feeling it. But I started being petrified that my client would have to put up with this massive audit and what it would do to them. I took it on personally. Another key to visualization is for you to also sense it within you, so that you’re emotionally involved.
I came to another stumbling block. The representative with CRA was not budging with my suggestions. I’m thinking how do I solve this? and I started having sleepless nights.
Lo and behold, one day I receive a call and the CRA rep says, “I’ve got good news.” I said, “Good for you and what’s the good news?” He says, “I got promoted.” I say, “Fantastic and what does that mean?” He says, “I’m going to a different department. You going to get someone else.” This is what happens when you’re clear on what it is that you want and you will not budge. You start looking for how to solve it and solutions come automatically. In that situation, he was moved on and therefore, I got someone else who was more receptive to what was going on.
From that point on, we went back and forth, back and forth. And I got to another point where I thought I was stuck again. I actually was thinking of giving up, but inside of me, because I had been doing this for a period of time, I did not want to give up. This is where the weeds are. How do I remove the weeds?

Picture this, I’m about to go to the next meeting and I’m sitting in my car. I’m having a mental conversation and no one else is around. The conversation goes like this “I’m not going.” I’m hearing, “You’re going.” “I’m not going.” “You’re going.” “I’m not going.” I started giving my reasons why, and I kept hearing, “You’re going.” I heard it and finally said, “Okay, I’m going.”
When I went to the meeting, the lady was in front of me. She started talking and all of a sudden, something popped. I realized that she did not have certain pieces of information because I had studied and looked at the info for so long. During this time frame, the subconscious mind had been programmed by my conscious mind with the ongoing details to find the answer for me. And find the answer indeed as it came up at this meeting which I didn’t want to go to, while being told to go. You just never know when your miracle will come. Be diligent in what you’re doing as sometimes, all the diligence that is required is for you to think it through in your mind and nothing else. That’s where the subconscious works for you. That’s what I mean by programming it as that’s what the secret is all about.
Once I had the answer, I couldn’t wait for her to be quiet. I said, “Do you have everything that you need?” She said, “Yes.” It was then that I remembered what one of my mentors had said to me, “Make sure that whatever period CRA covers, you do all the math to the penny so that you know.” I remember doing this detailed work and the amount of income that she said the client had, compared to all the deposits, was greater than what I added the deposits to be.

And because I did that, I knew what the right number was as it was completely different from what CRA had calculated. I said, “You’ve said you have all the information. I want you to add all the income from your calculations and then compare them to all the deposits. If your numbers are correct, then I’ll go back to my clients and tell them they owe the money. But if my numbers are correct, I want you to adjust your information accordingly. Please call me back tomorrow and let me know.”
Within two hours, she called and says, “You are correct as my numbers were incorrect.” There was my answer and that’s what turned it completely around. Thereafter, I received help from her, from the supervisor and the director of audit.
This what happens when your mind is focused on the solution no matter what comes. What happens to you is that the solutions come. Your mind is so powerful. You can be anything you want to be, and you can have anything that you want to have. It all starts with your thoughts, which create your feelings, which lead to actions, which produce your results.
You start at the end and then you work it backwards. Go all the way back to reprogram your thoughts. You do that by knowing what it is that you want at the end. You put that in your subconscious mind and you think positive, focused positively, and see it in your mind. Then you take out the weeds and act as if you actually have it. It will happen for you.
I hope this has helped you. Please take the time to sit down and ask yourself, “Who is it that I want to be and what do I want to have?” No matter your environment, no matter what it is that you want, it can happen to you. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you.
Thank you so much for listening. God bless and have a wonderful day.
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