Pay The Right Person

If you don’t pay the right person for the right job, are you throwing your money away? Or is there a better way to get the best good results?
Hello, my name is Vince Schembri and I’m the president of WOWzer Technologies. Today, I want to touch on bringing in the right person, the right people or the right company, to do whatever work that is that you want to do. In order to succeed, you cannot be a lone ranger as there must be others in your team that will help you to achieve the goals that you want to achieve. But the key component is hiring the right person, company, employee to sit on the right seat in the bus that you’re driving. Without that, it’s like pulling people as opposed to them actually going ahead and doing the things that are required, in whatever field that may be.
For example, social media. There are a lot of people out there right now who advertise or let you know that they can do all these kinds of things that will expose your brand and so on. But do they have a proven track record? Do you know these individuals? Whoever it is, whether it’s social media, whether it’s an employee, whether it’s anything else that you need to succeed, do you know that these individuals have actually done it because that’s one of the key ingredients in making sure that you know beforehand.

Obviously you want to pay them what they’re worth because if they do have a track record, then you need to pay them what they’re worth in order for you to get the success that you need. There’s been many times that people who bootstrap, which refers to starting with as little as you can in order to get maximum results. Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but if you really think about it, how does that really help your situation?
Wouldn’t it be more advantageous to your situation to find someone who has a proven track record who can do what they say they can do? Then ask yourself, how can I make sure that I make the right investment with that individual or that company or that person or that employee? If you want to succeed, you’ve got to think like those other individuals who have succeeded. It may not have to be all about money, it could be about some kind of reward that are based on results. That could probably be the better choice. But you have to be able to negotiate that.
Another thing that you also want to know is not only do they have a proven track record, but can you verify it? Is there some way to do so as well? Is there a way that you can actually have third party verification, whether it be through their work or whether it be the results they’ve gotten in other projects. Whether they have a track record, if they are an employee, where have they worked? You need to follow up with references because that will also give you a better chance to succeed.

What you want to do is you want to put yourself in a position to give you the best opportunity, to have the best results. The way that could happen is like anything in this world, the best athletes prepare the best. They go find this information out beforehand, and they do everything that they possibly can. They mirror it, or they train under somebody else, for a period of time, that has excelled or has been coached by someone who has success, therefore they succeeded. Well, why would we do something different in business? Wouldn’t that be a great idea to use in our business world as well, to find individuals who have done really well and be able to verify and see their results. Then bring them on because at the end of the day, what really counts is that you really believe that the person that you brought on is the person that can help you.
Now, obviously sometimes it can go sideways, that happens. But if you really listen from within, which is the key component that I want to share with you, that the best results have always come when we listen from within. Once we have, taken the time to listen from within, we need to verify our perceptions with someone else that’s close to us.

It’s really important that in critical decisions, that we have peace about the decision. Also, those around us who have an vested interest in our lives, especially in our business world, we need to ask them and say, “This is what I’m thinking, this is who I’ve met, here are the reasons why. What do you sense?” From there, I believe that you can make better informed decisions.
Ultimately, there is no way to know the full outcome, but at least you’ve taken all the steps necessary to give yourself the best chance of making the best decision with the information that you have. Also you have involved the unknown, which is what I believe is what comes from within.
I hope that helped you and hope it gives you some insight. Have a great day, God bless and I look forward to talking to you soon. Ciao for now.