You will never guess what happens when you listen more than you talk.

I want to talk to you about listening more than talking. Listening is an incredible skill because it can develop incredible relationships.
When we listen more than we talk, I found that in the past that when I have done that, I’ve gained valuable insight. I have also gained a friend because that’s what happens when you listen to someone, and they really, really believe that you are engaged in that you really want to hear what they have to say. This is especially true when you remove all distractions as today, the distractions are enormous. The biggest one being your cell phone.
I really believe that one of the ways to listen is to listen with your heart, not with your cell phone without being distracted. It’s really important that when you are in a situation where you’re conversing with one or few other individuals that you pay full attention and that you remove all distractions, that includes even the phone, even if a call does come.

I’ve don’t recall a time, although there may be one, where the phone call that was coming was more important or urgent than the person in front of me. I would also say this, put it on silent, and if you do hear it vibrating, if you’re in vibrator mode, let it go to voicemail. You can always return the phone call and therefore you can let the other person know how important they are by doing that. Even if it rings and you have not done that, just let them know, don’t worry It’s going to go to my voicemail. I’m paying attention to you. That little comment alone will do incredible things for you and for your future with that person.
I would highly recommend that you listen with your heart. You say, well, how do you do that? Well, listen with intent. And if you don’t understand, just ask clarifying questions and just repeat what you’ve heard to make sure that you understand.

Another thing that you can also do is take notes. If you take notes, it shows the other person or persons in front of you that you are really serious about what it is that they’re saying. If nothing else, it just improves your situation even further, be completely engaged. What do I mean by that? You know, have your eyes on that person, smile, listen, intently. When the time comes, you will have an opportunity to respond accordingly.
I always say, respond don’t react. When you do that, you would be amazed what things could happen. You develop relationships like you never thought were possible before as it creates a very warm environment.
I also highly recommend that you come prepared. Whenever you walk into a situation, especially when it’s pre-planned, come prepared, do some thinking, do some research, find out some things that could really compliment the situation and you may or may not use your research. When you meet, don’t lay out everything and I recommend that you don’t. Have some points that you can look at just so that when the person is done talking and you’ve had an opportunity to reiterate what was said, there may be something that you can add. You just never know how that will enhance the conversation.
In saying all of this, be engaged when you are with someone else and listen more than you talk. Remember you have two ears and one mouth, so I would suggest that you listen twice as much as you speak. And I hope you have a great day. God bless. And we’ll talk to you soon, ciao.