How To Use Your SuperPower To Get What You Want!

Hello, this is Vince Schembri from WOWzer Technologies and welcome once again. I look forward to talking to you on a regular basis and today I want to expand more on “Show me the money”.
This week, I’m going to talk about you and who you are and how you can actually have the money show up in your lap so that you can have the life that you want, to be who you want to be and live the way that you want to live. I will say this, that what really is imperative in the situation is that you start to really believe that you can achieve the things that you want achieve. Some of the things that are important in the framework of your mind, which is what the place where it all starts, is not necessarily what to think, but how to think. This is something that we haven’t really been taught.
It’s important that we learn how to think more than what to think. You can think about whatever it is that you want. For example, what’s going on right now in our world, that’s a place you can go to. How, is a completely different way. Maybe a question should ask yourself is “What is possible?” because that allows you to expand your mind and have other ideas that you maybe never had before.

The seed is, if you recall, there are four seeds that I talked about in past weeks. The four seeds are thoughts are seeds, words are seeds, actions, or deeds are seeds and dollars are seeds. The first one is thoughts, thinking, that’s really important. I would say that to think is really important and how you think can really help you. You don’t have to start anywhere else except where you are right now.
I want to tell you a story from a book that I read, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. In the book where he talks about the mind and thinking, Hill tells the story of two individuals who got together at the turn of the 19th century. One was a drugstore clerk and the other was a doctor. He’d come up with a concoction of sorts and they had this conversation over a period of time. The store clerk decided to fork over his whole life savings in order to buy what the doctor had. He was a biochemist at the time and his name was, was Dr. Pemberton, and drugstore clerk was Acer Chandler.
They used the tools at the time, whatever the tools at the time were and the reason that Dr. Pemberton sold his belongings is because he had an injury while serving in the military with the Confederate army. Due to this injury, he had a lot of pain and became addicted to morphine. Dr. Pemberton looked for a way to solve his pain problem as a lot of returning soldiers in the U S civil war had similar issues. But in his case, he had become addicted and as such, he developed a concoction using a variety of different items, such as soda, coca leaves, and various other items.

Dr. Pemberton sold what he created because he needed the money in order to control his addiction. Asa Chandler added an ingredient to Dr. Pemberton’s creation by adding a superpower that we all have. What Chandler received was the Coca Cola formula and he named as such. He did not invent the actual formula, he bought it and he created the company, which as we know, is a multinational company.
What did Asa Chandler use? What secret ingredient, that we all have, did that even Dr. Pemberton had, but he did not exercise? It is our imagination, and it comes from our ability to think. That’s why I say don’t spend your time on what to think but learn how to think. Study that the book “Think and Grow Rich” as it has a whole chapter on this topic. It’s all about the imagination, the mind and how to use it.
Think about this for a moment. Every idea that has ever shown up was once a thought. Somebody had the thought, and did they capitalize on it? Just like the spider or the lizard, it capitalizes on the palace that it did not build. In the case of Acer Chandler, did he come up with the Coca-Cola formula? No, he did not as it was Dr. Pemberton who came up with it. But why did he come up with it? Because he had pain so deep that he wanted to find a cure. Unfortunately, Dr. Pemberton died broke and penniless because he had a habit that destroyed his life. But he created something, and he is known as the inventor of the Coca-Cola formula that Asa Chandler took and created a whole new revenue stream while also affecting all kinds of different economies. For example, Coca Cola has sugar in it, so the sugar industry received a big lift. Coca-Cola, back in those days was in bottles, so the bottle industry received an increase as well. You have to have a manufacturing plant, so now you have to buy real estate. And as growth occurred, other ingredients needed to be bought. Many new economies happened because of that one thought, with one man, who was injured in a war, looking to relieve what? His pain. And what he used was his imagination.

Dr. Pemberton went as far as he could, and Asa Chandler took it and went even further. So my question to you is, “What can you do with your imagination?” What ideas have you in your mind that or you’ve had in the past that you’ve thought about, but haven’t acted on? I suggest you do the same thing as Dr. Pemberton and that is to write it down. Start there because remember I said, one of the four seeds is words. Words can either be spoken or written and this is your seed. Have you ever seen the size of a seed? It is very, very small. Have you seen the harvest from a seed? Massive. Seeds are energy, and energy matters.
As I’m explaining my thoughts right now, I’m imagining what it was like back at the turn of the 19th century, when Dr. Pemberton and Asa Chandler were sitting and talking. What did Chandler see that Dr. Pemberton could not see? Maybe that’s where you are right now. Where do you start you ask? You start where you are just as Chandler as he was a drugstore clerk. He gave his whole savings to take a risk, a chance that he had found something that would change his life and the lives of many others. You don’t know what goldmine you’re sitting on at this very moment and use your secret power, which is your ability to think, your imagination. Now, whether you believe this or not, God does say at the beginning of Genesis that He created the world. So, what does that say about Him? It says that God is a creator and that He created mankind in His image, in the image of God.

God created us using His imagination and He created us in the same likenesses as of himself. To me, what that means is that your ability to imagine ties you in with the greatest creative mind that exists. You can create anything you want to create and Jesus even said, “These things that I do, you can do greater.” How can you & I do that? How could is this possible? I started to realize that this is possible by the use of my imagination.
Have you ever wondered when you think of something, and it’s something that you really enjoy, you can feel it in your spirit. How does that make you feel? Feelings are an important part of this process because, if you think of Dr. Pemberton, his feelings were from pain.

Pain is a great motivator as he wanted to solve this pain. He was injured and he was looking for something outside of morphine to help him. Did he find it? Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. But he developed something through his imagination that became Coca-Cola.
What thoughts do you have in your mind that are waiting to be tapped? You can create something that you never thought was possible. As I shared last week, if all you have is an idea with the resources to start a peanut stand inside of a department store and you want to have the department store, start right there.
Another item to look at is that your results will dictate your beliefs. If you’re looking right now at your results and you don’t like what they are, it goes all the way back to your beliefs. Your beliefs are formed through your thoughts, which occur inside your subconscious, just as Napoleon Hill says, “Think and Grow Rich”. Go all the way back to your thinking, and once you change your seed, a different seed will produce a different result. That’s the secret as there isn’t much more than that. Wallace D Wattles said exactly the same thing as did JB Jones. This is also true of Earl Schauff who taught Jim Rohn, who taught Tony Robbins. They used the same secret, their imagination. This is the starting point and I wish to encourage you to think about that and start exactly where you are. Don’t think that you’re handicapped because you have been given everything you need to succeed. The greatest tool that we have, that most of us are not using on a consistent basis, me included, is the ability to imagine something that does not exist right now.

No matter what it is, by applying persistent & consistent effort, not giving up, looking for solutions, how long will it take before you actually figure something out? How excited will you be on a daily basis when you have that clear picture in your mind? Take the time to write it down as well. It’s a proven fact that 5% of people who write down what they actually want are the ones who achieve their written goals. Those people achieve it because it actually takes form in the physical world through their determined efforts.
Think about what’s inside your mind. That is the real world and the things that exist in our minds are manifested into the physical world. The first step is to imagine or think, followed by writing your thoughts. You then start where you are and do it every day. If it doesn’t work, make adjustments as you’re going to be making a lot of adjustments along the way. Keep imagining the kind of life that you will have. If you’re living the life that you want right now, well, that’s fantastic. But if you want to improve on it, your beliefs produce your results. If you don’t like the results, you’ve got to go back to your beliefs as they start with your thoughts.

“Think and Grow Rich” is a classic book and it’s been around since the 1930s. It’s helped so many people and I want it to help you as well. I’d like to send you a free copy of the chapter on imagination. All that is required is for you to click on the link following this article and we’d be happy to send you the free gift. You can then start using your superpower to have what you want. Your superpower can “Show You The Money” as you live the life that you want to live while you be the person that you want to be.
I hope you have a wonderful day and hope this has helped you. I can’t wait to hear about the kinds of results that you actually achieve by just thinking and growing rich and not just in money, in all areas of your life. All it takes is to think differently and, when you think differently, you’re actually studying and you’re causing change internally. It eventually happens by it manifesting in this world.
Have a wonderful day, a great week. God bless and ciao for now.
Grab a copy of the chapter on Imagination: