How To Firmly Lock Your Attention!

It’s said, “If You Don’t Pay…You Don’t Pay Attention.” Is this true? If it is how can you galvanize your attention so you succeed at whatever you’re pursuing?
Hello, my name is Vince Schembri, I’m the president of WOWzer Technologies. Today I want to talk to you about paying as opposed to not paying, what it does to the psyche and what kind of results you can expect. There’s a great saying. I heard a little while ago; “If you don’t pay, you don’t pay attention.” I believe there’s a lot of truth to that. It seems that, even from my own experience and talking to others, individuals who don’t pay, they really are not in the game. They have no skin in the game. They have nothing to lose.

So what happens is they don’t show up, mentally and sometimes physically. It seems like you’re always trying to get them to do things they don’t want to do. So it ends up that you’re the one who seems to be working harder because you have more skin in the game than they do.
When that happens, it actually can be, can be devastating. It can be heartbreaking. It can be very disappointing for you, especially when you’re trying to help someone. You have every intention to help them, but it seems that you are more interested than the person you’re trying to help. If they’re not really willing to help themselves, what can you really do? There’s really nothing that you can do. I’m in the business world and I take care of my clients bookkeeping matters. I want my customers to pay otherwise they wouldn’t value it. When there’s cost associated they value it more.

Not only do you have, “If you don’t pay, you don’t pay attention,” you also have; “If you pay a little, you pay little attention.” What happens is if the perceived value is, “Well, it doesn’t really cost me that much.” So therefore, why am I really going to participate? In most cases, people don’t. They may call you. they may let you know certain things, but if the amount is too small, it’s insignificant for them. It’s just a matter of time before you don’t hear from them, or they don’t participate at all like you want them to. Sure you could get really excited and there could be some individuals who will be excited with you but the chances are smaller. Now, if somebody pays a lot, they pay a lot attention.

Those are the groups of people that you’re after. Why is that important? Because now they have something invested. These are the people that actually show up. These are the people that have skin in the game. These are the people who are really, really interested in doing something. You could have something that the entry cost is a hundred dollars or maybe even $500. But if the cost is in the thousands, I guarantee that the person who’s putting that money in is really serious about what they’re doing. Therefore you probably get the biggest returns. As a matter of fact, when I look at charging someone, I don’t look at lowering my price, because it has the opposite effect.
You could give discounts as well, but at the end of the day, the perceived value is the most important thing. So when you are actually charging a lot, they pay a lot of attention. Let’s review the three options for you: When you, when you don’t pay, you really don’t pay attention because you have nothing to lose. When you pay little, you pay little attention. When you pay a lot, you pay a lot of attention. And the main reason is again, because of perceived value, which of the three would you like to have, and which of the three will create success for you and everybody around you. It makes you feel good because you will end up giving more value and that comes with its own rewards. You’ll understand that in order to be the person who gives a lot of value, you will receive a lot of value, coming back.

And that feels good. Now you’re not only doing things for the money, it’s what it does for you intrinsically as and what it does for your soul, Do not be in any way, turned off by setting a price that seems high because as long as you’re giving more value than what the cost is, then you have nothing to be ashamed of in any way, shape or form. I hope that this message sends something to you that lets you know how valuable you are. As I’m saying it as myself. I know that when I’ve done really good work and I’ve given great value, I actually enjoy it so much more and my client receives so much more value. I’ve had many thank you’s as well and I’ve found that that’s the greatest thing that’s happened because I’ve seen change in their lives and how it’s affected them.I hope that message is something that resonates with you. Have a great day. God bless. And we’ll talk to you soon.