How to make your home a safety zone for your family.
All of us have different memories of our childhoods and mine, unfortunately, wasn’t the most positive one. Because when I was growing up, when I went home, my father wasn’t there and when he was, I didn’t want to be there. I grew up in Sydney, Australia, and when I used to go home, I would catch the train. All the kids at three o’clock would be running to catch the 3:15 train. I would walk slowly step by step, literally one foot in front of the other. I would miss the 3:15 train and have to catch the next one and sometimes I would catch the next one after that. I wouldn’t want, my son to have that kind of situation, let alone anybody else’s child.

Where is the train taking you?

Give your family a Home Safety Zone
My reason for bringing this up is that we have memories that we cannot change, but we can create a better future. We can make the home a safety zone, a place where we want to be there and the family that we have around us. I take great pride in having my son and the last thing I want is for him to feel like I felt when I was young because it’s not a good feeling and makes you feel alone and unheard.
It causes all kinds of issues internally and you don’t function well. That’s one of the things that happened to me and I’ve been able to overcome it, but wouldn’t it be great if the home was a safety place? Wouldn’t it be great if the home was a place where it was fun to be? That’s up to you and it’s up to every one of us to our make your home a priority to make it so that everybody including yourself wants to be there.
What kind of things can you do? You could actually block out family time where it is time spent only with family activity. You can play games together. You could talk about things. You could talk about how the day was. Be engaged, be there and have others engaged too. When you’re eating, take away all distractions, especially phones. I hear it a lot these days that everybody has their phone while they’re eating. Then all you’re doing is eating, you’re a not being engaged and you’re not making the home a safety zone.
What will be remembered when you grow older and what will be repeated? I’m not saying I’m better than anybody else, even though I’m not married and I’m with my son. I just want to make sure that he has a memorable childhood when he’s around me.

Don’t be distracted, fully engage with fun!

Make some memories, they last a lifetime.
I love picking up my son. I love tossing him on the bed. I love having him on my back and running. I love talking to him and asking him how his day was. As a matter of fact, we started a reading program and, at first, he didn’t want to do it. I find that children will always test your resolve. So I just let him know that he needs to read. Then what happens after he reads is that I ask him to come and tell me what it is that he read.
I even picked stories for him and so I picked things that are his level or above. This approach improves his ability to learn as well. So make the home fun, make it really, really fun so that when the children grow up and when you get later on in years, you’ll actually be able to look back and have a smile on your face.
As I’m thinking right now, all the memories that I’ve already created with my son, I’m smiling. I look forward to going and pick him up and having him spend time with me. He loves seeing me as well as he runs to me and calls out to me “daddy.” It’s probably what I’ll always remember once he’s grown up is what he called me as it’s an endearing term. How do you create those endearing terms? You create special times with your family.
If you’ve had a past that didn’t go very well, you have the power to change it. You can make the change within you, that creates change in the people who are around you. Then when you look back, you’ll always have those fond memories. I highly encourage you to think that way and to do what it is that you want to do.

Your life is better when you’re in the Safety Zone.
Don’t, don’t look back to the past and regret it. Learn from it. The best way to learn is to look back and say, “Is this something I want in my future or not?” If the answer is no, do the opposite.
I hope that helps. I hope it’s a gold nugget that can really help you with your family life because I guarantee you, if you do that in your family life, work is a lot better. At least you will know that even if you had a hard day, you can go home and your family is there for you. In my case, it’s my son Theo as he always looks forward to seeing me and I look forward to seeing him.
Have a great day, God bless, make it a family day, every day, ciao for now!